100 point scale (Full Version)

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BenG -> 100 point scale (4/11/2024 4:47:24 AM)

This happens every now and again and perhaps it's a translation thing (I'm Australian living in the US).

In some non-US scoring systems, 50 is an average score. I remember at my Australian university a score between 65 and 74 was considered good and anything over 75 was quite rare. I have noticed that some people mark many of their wines in the 60s and 70s with comments that I think would correspond to low 80s and high 80s.

So, long story short, I wonder if it would be worth putting the score description next to the score input box. I know it would add an extra 6 lines or so, but I've noticed enough people who have a completely different sense of score bands, who I think have never clicked on the Help link next to the Rating to know what each score range represents (eg. 70-79 is Below/Average, 80-85 is Good )

Eric -> RE: 100 point scale (4/11/2024 8:39:59 AM)

We do actually expose a number of links in our desktop user interface to take people here: https://support.cellartracker.com/article/49-tasting-notes-and-ratings

Our current mobile app does not expose this as readily, but the beta of our new app (just about to release) does make this more obvious.

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