• cstir wrote:

    June 3, 2018 - Cellared wine; still has acidity; slight touch of oxidation; fruit flavor was muted; probably should have consumed several years ago.

  • Berge65 Likes this wine: 92 points

    April 17, 2018 - Hints of cannabis

  • andrewstevenson.com wrote: 83 points

    June 10, 2016 - Wine-pages Glasgow Festival of Wine Pre Offline (Cail Bruich, Glasgow): Mid gold colour. Fairly intense, nutty nose, feeling very evolved. Something a bit marsanne like on the nose.
    Fair palate. Bit of a spritzy zesty lemon note on the attack. This is fading and drying out. There's something very familiar about the flavour, but I can't pin it down. There's a rather odd combination of length and falling short at the same time. Possibly a hint of oxidation, but that might just be the Rkatsiteli. Really quite curious: it's definitely not dead, but it's not entirely alive either. The moral seems to be: drink your Finger Lakes Rkatsiteli before it gets to ten years old.

  • stubbie999 Likes this wine:

    September 18, 2013 - Well, I had intended to keep this in the cellar for a year or two to see how, if at all, NY Rkatsiteli would develop. But, you know how it happens - the right meal doesn't present itself, then the bottle gets shoved to the back, and here we are 7 years later. So. Would you have guessed Premier Cru Chablis? Me neither, but this was the spitting image - lemon curd, apple, thyme and other herbs, bracing acidity. Maybe a little lost in the mid-palate, but c'mon - 7 year old Rkatsiteli! Worth saving? I'm not going to hold a bin in my cellar for more, but it certainly evolved in a positive way. I see you out there in cellartracker-land: 55 more bottles in cellars. You could do worse than to pull yours now. (I mean, no one has a case of this, do they?)

  • KSWinegeek wrote: 87 points

    August 13, 2013 - Thought this would be too old, but that is not this case.

  • Winecat wrote: 78 points

    May 29, 2011 - A little too sweet for our taste

  • wineswiller wrote: 88 points

    November 5, 2010 - Lovely nose of guava and pineapple. Medium bodied on palate with a slight oily viscosity that is not unpleasant. Dry with no noticeable r.s. Fruit with some floral (white flowers) on palate, though fruit is more acidic than the tropical aromas suggested. Really enjoyed this and it could have cellared longer.

  • ZinTinTin wrote:

    September 4, 2010 - My riesling-loving aunt visited and tried this; loved it. I got the leftovers two days later and they were still fruity--lost some crispness but still delicious.

    Some grapefruit, some melon, and interesting qualities that are hard to place. It seemed to go from light in body to medium and back again. Also seemed a little bracing like a sauvignon blanc, but with more fruit than minerality, and no grass--like a California sauvignon blanc.

    I'm intrigued and wish I had another bottle to try fresh.

  • cma82 wrote: 87 points

    August 13, 2010 - More grapey than I remember it, but still a lot of delicious citrus and white flower characteristics. Still, I think this has lost some of the delicious vibrancy of its youth

  • JackLynch00@gmail.com wrote: 85 points

    February 27, 2010 - My first experience with the grape. High in acidity; some of the green apple and lemon flavors of Riesling, the spice and lychee of Gewurztraminer, and the grapefruit quality of a Sauvignon. But there's a little bitterness on the finish which didn't much please me.
