Jeez I must be bored tonight... (Full Version)

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Hollowine -> Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/14/2011 7:49:35 PM)

Just for something the top of the page, go to My Profile, My Inbox. First 7 friends you have received PM's from are your zombie apocalypse team.

Musedir, ob2s, cookiefiend, old Doug, drycab, tacman, grafstrb

Sidekick: ob2s ...Just guessing Chick will have the same outlook on the situation, one of black irony to the "non-zombie" state we reside in today...
Heavy Weapons: drycab ...not that he knows how to use a Gatling-Gun, I could just see him walking around with one...
The Clueless Survivor: old Doug ...Undoubtedly still posting after 1 Bottle Consumed very alone...
Sniper: tacman ...I'm just imagining if he is going to off someone, even a zombie, it will be done with surgical precision...
The one that loses it: Cookiefiend ...well, duh!
The Brains: grafstrb ...(aka Faceman)...I dunno, I'm just thinking about Face from the A-Team and grafstrb seems to be logical to the point of driving Old Doug nuts...
The First to Die: Musedir ...I'm imagining him stopping to look at some street graffiti or some other artistic distraction, then...well...Dali (sic) "Blue Plate" special ...

Old Doug -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/14/2011 8:29:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hollowine

zombie apocalypse team.


Sidekick: dontime
Heavy Weapons: J2K
The Clueless Survivor: Cookiefiend
Sniper: Hollowine
The one that loses it: ob2s
The Brains: *Vine*
The First to Die: Mid-August, I deleted all information, so I guess we're all immortal.

ob2s -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/14/2011 8:42:17 PM)

Sidekick aka partner in crime. If you're bored gimme that addy, yo.

grafstrb -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/14/2011 9:05:07 PM)


1. pjaines
2. pjaines
3. pjaines
4. pjaines
5. pjaines
6. pjaines
7. pjaines

.... phuck, I'm skrewed aren't I?[8D]

....... My ZAP, if I take the 7 most-recent unique members:
1. pjaines
2. jhannah
3. hollow
4. tac
5. K
6. izzy
7. treetops
...... still a motley crew.[:-]

recotte -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/14/2011 9:57:53 PM)

My crew.  I figure we keep pjaines off the bottle for a while, then set him loose.  Zombies don't stand a chance.


musedir -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 2:06:09 AM)


Probably some attributes or thoughts per name, but too damn early to be clever!

pjaines -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 2:19:14 AM)

I have a rabid collection of fools, misfits and alcoholics....

Bryan Collins
The Colonel
and finally Gareth Powell to give us guidance and keep us on the right path.

Colonel Lawrence -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 4:02:12 AM)

Does this mean I'm in the B Team?

Guess it's my extraordinary powers to go without drink for days on end, and then store enough for a decade over a weekend?


Colonel Lawrence -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 4:04:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: pjaines

and finally Gareth Powell to give us guidance and keep us on the right path.

That's the path to the pub I guess?

musedir -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 4:28:23 AM)


wadcorp -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 7:13:20 AM)


The Doom Patrol…


cookiefiend -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 7:19:08 AM)

My crew -


heh heh...
As Hollowine's 'the one that loses it' - WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!

but - if I follow the OP line...

Sidekick - Wadcorp - we're both midwesterners and so will have excellent practical ideas, we're also both artistically inclined and so will be able to figure out ways around corners and paint some fabulous camouflage - no one will find us  
Heavy Weapons - Recotte -  awesome, he's just finished the Insanity regime
The Clueless Survivor - Hollowine... promise to share your Cayuse,SQN and Saxum and we'll all watch out for you
Sniper - ChrisinSunnyside - perhaps he has skillz we don't know about...
The one that loses it - Drycab - after all the work on his cellar, he'll just go nuts trying to keep it cool
The Brains - Wineismylife - I can see this, he's able to stay on the moratorium and actually has a cellar plan that's mathmagicly ingenius
The first to die - Caeleric - hopefully not off counting beans, but dies saving us all

caeleric -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 7:46:17 AM)

you ARE bored, but a fun post nonetheless

Sidekick: recotte ...all that p90x training means strength, stamina, and mental focus. he can kick everyone's a$$ while i drink his sqn and cayuse.
Heavy Weapons: jaokim ...not really a fair representation since i reached out to him with an idea for a million dollar wine app and have yet to delete his reply. either way, i guess he'd be good for scrambling communications equipment and hacking the enemy's droids. his heavy weapon would be an array of m905 poweredge blade servers in a ucoustic server rack cabinet to keep us stealth.
The Clueless Survivor: ChrisinSunnyside ...with his head so far up the washington wine industry's a$$, he'll be too busy thinking about how to successfully blend merlot from the champoux vineyard with syrah from the cailloux vineyard that he won't dive in front of enemy fire.
Sniper: cookiefiend ...the night is darkest before the dawn, and at first light she'll take out more bodies than any of us guys. she's been known to say, "don't fire until you can see the purple in their teeth."
The one that loses it: dontime ...the guy works in internal audit because he LIKES IT! he's already lost it...
The Brains: wineismylife ...brains, definitely. healthy liver, questionable.
The First to Die: Musedir ...sorry, dude, looks like you're getting your guts splayed out over the battlefield like a jackson pollack painting. mrs. musedir will later go on to create the next guernica that will hang proudly in the grand gallery of the jule collins smith museum of fine art.

cookiefiend -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 8:21:57 AM)


Great job Chris!

tacman -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 8:41:49 AM)

I don't get out much ... what's a "Zombie Apocalypse Team?"

recotte -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 8:58:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: tacman

I don't get out much ... what's a "Zombie Apocalypse Team?"

When the zombies come, this is the group of people you're with and have to rely on to survive the onslaught.

Edit: On the plus side, if there IS a zombie apocalypse, it should reduce demand and bring down wine prices for those of us who aren't out looking for brains.

ChrisinCowiche -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 9:18:32 AM)

Sidekick - Wine_Strategies - We're trying to figure out how to blend Cab from Washington with Pinot from New Zealand in an apple/wine alliance. BTW, chris, Champoux froze to the ground last November, so Cab sources are further north this year, DuBrul, Upland, Ceil du Cheval, Elephant Mtn, StoneTree.
Heavy Weapons - jerwin1943 - The heavy weapons are the 14.7-14.8% Betz fruit bombs he won't be throwing back.
The Clueless Survivor - pdemaio - Haplessly following Jay Miller who thinks Quilceda and Cayuse are making perfect wines.
Sniper - Pontac - a perfect tribute to a wine savant.
The one that loses it - caeleric - He finally realizes he picked the wrong corner of the diagonal to count the beans.
The Brains - musedir - My brother from another mother who is smart enough to swear off that plonk from Europe forever.
The first to die mgriffith - Paula Deen discovers he has used her Shrimp and Grits recipe and substituted polenta from Oregon for true grits. Hung for treason.

bretrooks -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 11:13:30 AM)

Hmmm...apparently over the two years I've been part of this forum, I haven't PM'ed that many people. I only have 9 messages saved in my Inbox from 6 total people, only two of which I've met in real life.

Of those two, I think I'll call grafstrb "The Brains" (just look at those highly-organized tasting notes) and Kermadur can be on "Heavy Weapons" (for the element of one would expect it from her!).  jhannah27, smigdiggler, LST, and PSirah Tampa will have to fight over the other spots.

UPDATE: ChrisinSunnyside just sent me a PM, which means I can have a full squad...yay! Unfortunately, that also means one of you has to die. [8|]

Old Doug -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 12:35:15 PM)

Sidekick: dontime - if his zombie-fighting prowess is akin to his constancy with the grape, then surely I am stood in good stead.

Heavy Weapons: J2K - it seems that some of our English friends will confirm his "Heavy Weapon" status.  That said, I do not know what percentage of them were zombies.  Inexact counts notwithstanding, some reports do have a higher amount of zombies toward the end of the night, versus the beginning.  Hmm... more zombies - whose side is this guy really on?

The Clueless Survivor: Cookiefiend - how can a Colgin-lover be "clueless"?  Surely this is an act, one that enrages the zombies, their few-neuroned brains finding it impossible, and maddening - that she so easily evades their attacks.  Meanwhile, their focus on her makes them easy-pickings for us boys.

Sniper: Hollowine - with daring sleight of hand he peppers their bridges and hedges with cascades of deadly fire, the bullets like falling rain.   His rifle casts a long shadow, and he's always popping up in a new position, dead reckoning leaving them dead.

The one that loses it: ob2s - I daresay, no, he found it - an ingenious way to outwit the zombies.  He holds up a bottle of "No Girls" wine, and roughly half the zombies turn away in confusion.  Then, he pours the wine into a bottle labeled, "No Boys" and holds it up, thus the rest of the zombies turn away, right as Hollowine hits them high and J2K hits them low.  They try and take down the female zombies first, as ob2s has annerk as a backup, and she's already throwing rocks at all the males.  "Stupid boy zombies!"

The Brains: *Vine*- I fear this one has already ascended to the purely-cerebral realms, not to treat with us forum mortals, we zombie-threatened ones, any longer.

tacman -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 12:49:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: recotte


ORIGINAL: tacman

I don't get out much ... what's a "Zombie Apocalypse Team?"

When the zombies come, this is the group of people you're with and have to rely on to survive the onslaught.

Edit: On the plus side, if there IS a zombie apocalypse, it should reduce demand and bring down wine prices for those of us who aren't out looking for brains.

So is this a video game?

dontime -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 12:53:43 PM)



Sidekick: dontime - if his zombie-fighting prowess is akin to his constancy with the grape, then surely I am stood in good stead.

Feeling privileged to be included in this army.  And what a glorious and courageous leader - nothing stops Old Doug.... 

[image][/image]  [image][/image]

Fight on Kemosabe - I'm right behind you.


musedir -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 1:07:08 PM)

Be careful... Tonto got the living s#+t beat out of him every week because the masked man said, "go scout out the bad guys in town." Christ! He stuck out like a sore thumb among those half-bearded, scruffy authentic frontier types. But, go securely in your confidence in Doug. [:D][:D][:D]

tacman -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 1:08:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: musedir

Be careful... Tondo got the living s#+t beat out of him every week because the masked man said, "go scout out the bad guys in town." Christ! He stuck out like a sore thumb among those half-bearded, scruffy authentic frontier types. But, go securely in your confidence in Doug. [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]


dontime -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 1:10:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: tacman


ORIGINAL: musedir

Be careful... Tondo got the living s#+t beat out of him every week because the masked man said, "go scout out the bad guys in town." Christ! He stuck out like a sore thumb among those half-bearded, scruffy authentic frontier types. But, go securely in your confidence in Doug. [image][/image][image][/image][image][/image]


Well, yea but then he started selling real estate and changed his name.

musedir -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 1:24:31 PM)

Stupid Apple spellchecker! But maybe he did change his name to sell apartments!

Hollowine -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 2:37:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: tacman


ORIGINAL: recotte


ORIGINAL: tacman

I don't get out much ... what's a "Zombie Apocalypse Team?"

When the zombies come, this is the group of people you're with and have to rely on to survive the onslaught.

Edit: On the plus side, if there IS a zombie apocalypse, it should reduce demand and bring down wine prices for those of us who aren't out looking for brains.

So is this a video game?

The supposition is that Hollywood may be right and at some point the world will be inhabited by Zombies (ala Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, etc). Some will classify their home security/defense in terms of Zombie Security Level 1-4, they will postulate who they would want "in the trenches" with them when fighting the hoards, etc.

It's more a Generation X kinda thing...I'm afraid you may have other factors working against you on this one my friend...[;)]

tacman -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 3:53:40 PM)

Is that a polite way of saying I'm getting old?
Don't be talking your way out of my will like that ... you young whippersnapper.

mgriffith -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 4:10:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChrisinSunnyside

Sidekick - Wine_Strategies - We're trying to figure out how to blend Cab from Washington with Pinot from New Zealand in an apple/wine alliance. BTW, chris, Champoux froze to the ground last November, so Cab sources are further north this year, DuBrul, Upland, Ceil du Cheval, Elephant Mtn, StoneTree.
Heavy Weapons - jerwin1943 - The heavy weapons are the 14.7-14.8% Betz fruit bombs he won't be throwing back.
The Clueless Survivor - pdemaio - Haplessly following Jay Miller who thinks Quilceda and Cayuse are making perfect wines.
Sniper - Pontac - a perfect tribute to a wine savant.
The one that loses it - caeleric - He finally realizes he picked the wrong corner of the diagonal to count the beans.
The Brains - musedir - My brother from another mother who is smart enough to swear off that plonk from Europe forever.
The first to die mgriffith - Paula Deen discovers he has used her Shrimp and Grits recipe and substituted polenta from Oregon for true grits. Hung for treason.

No go, Chris. First, I can take the old girl. Second, t'wernt her recipe that I absconded with. And third, Musedir already has me in the heavily armed category.

Lock and load!

mclancy10006 -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/15/2011 5:35:46 PM)

dsGris, annerk, DoubleD1969, Hollowine, Wrighty, smahk, Khamen

Sidekick: DoubleD1969 – Umm like we drink the same wine a lot good quality in the side kick role and also a viable backup for the sniper after the wine tasting at the “Rifle club” seriously that should count.
Heavy Weapons: Wrighty – all those HK gangster movies have to teach you a thing or two for Zombies
The Clueless Survivor: annerk – needs to collect for the next CT barrel project no matter what!
Sniper: dsGris - handy with tools, probably has one of those Bosch cork openers in his trunk, bet he can use a scope, but if not the screw pull on the undead
The one that loses it: Hollowine ...well, duh! [:-]
The Brains: smahk – She loves it when a plan comes together or if someone plans a get together (I forget which)
The First to Die: Khamen – I mean that man goes back into the breach to organize another CT Bdx trip that shows willingness if not the judgment (or lack thereof) required to be 1st2D



cookiefiend -> RE: Jeez I must be bored tonight... (9/21/2011 3:36:31 PM)


My crew -


Okay team - we gots to be in training.

Check this out - Don't EAT me!

Holy crap - there's one in Indy next year!

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