Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (Full Version)

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cunningham64 -> Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 12:38:46 PM)

As of the 2007, all wines are now labeled simply Mosel. This should probably not affect previous vintages labeled Mosel-Saar-Ruwer. Also, would be good to enable Saar and Ruwer as sub-regions.

reference on wikipedia


Eric -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 12:42:42 PM)

Trust me we are well aware and it has been discussed here. I am not going to split definitions starting in 2007 for every Mosel wine. It would create a disastrous mess. At he same time I am not going to rename every legacy wine to only have Mosel as it would create massive confusion. I will revisit this, but I think it will be about 5 years before I would even considere a wholesale switchover to "Mosel". It will happen eventually. BTW, we intentionally removed Saar and Ruwer which we used to catalog quite carefully on every MSR wine. These are not officially recognized lableing entities, so when this rename went down we in fact meged ALL MSR wines to have a blank SubRegion.

cunningham64 -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 12:46:11 PM)

I am only asking that a designation "Mosel" be added. That would reflect the actual labeling practice.

Eric -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 12:50:44 PM)

No, the problem is that you will then create dueling definitions for thousands of wines. Ones before 2007 and ones after. And that will create bedlam.

Sorry, but the rename was foolish, and the marketplace and every database out there is going to struggle with this for a decade. You should direct your requests to the German labeling authorities, as what they have done is enormously confusing to consumers. I am merely caught in the middle.

cunningham64 -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 1:02:35 PM)

You are of course the ultimate arbiter, and I understand and applaud your insistence on consistency. From my point of view, there should be a rule that allows "Mosel" to apply only to 2007+ and a similar rule for pre 2007. As that does not seem in the plans, I withdraw my request. :-)

Eric -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/18/2009 1:05:43 PM)

Trust me, if there were an easy answer I would be proposing. One thing that would not be hard would be to have the region be something like "Mosel / Mosel-Saar-Ruwer" if people think that will help.

iByron -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/22/2009 11:41:11 AM)

In the meantime, perhaps there should be a wiki entry explaining. Similar to what's in place for Fronton/Cote de Frontonnais (only explaining that it didn't change).

Realistically, those who care probably know and more importantly, won't be confused. Those who don't care will still find their wines.


Eric -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (4/22/2009 11:51:12 AM)

I updated the M-S-R Wiki entry to make mention of this and even link to this thread. And just a reminder that anyone can do this... [:D]

forceberry -> RE: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (1/7/2018 6:16:06 AM)

Only tangentially relating to the topic, but not bothered to create a new topic just for this small fix:

Could you rename Trarbacher Huhnerberg to its actual name, Trarbacher Hühnerberg?

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