2/8/16, 1:06 PM - Interested to see your note, as I had a similar experience a while back. Much more closed than I expected from an 07. Same experience with an 07 C-B Lavieres, but the Lavieres opened up a lot on the second day.
2/8/16, 2:16 PM - Agreed - I love Gilman, but I'm not sure what to make of the difference between a wine slated to go to 2040 as opposed to a wine that will only go to 2035.I've got 2 more of these, but likely won't touch the first for another 5 years, if possible.
10/20/15, 4:37 PM - My bottle echoed yours in terms of flavor and mouthfeel, but was amazing on the nose. Curious what's going on here, as there's clearly a lot of bottle variation based on your notes. Gilman recently raved about this producer, but I'm wondering if he's more excited about the "method" (old school/traditionalist) rather than the finished product.
8/6/15, 10:14 AM - Had this last night and really liked it. Definitely could sense some of the bottle age in that the acidity had toned down a bit. But no advanced smell or weirdness. Mid-palate was a little lacking, but otherwise couldn't complain. Really, really enjoyable. I'd guess your bottle was a little off, particularly if you've liked this in the past.
7/21/15, 12:32 PM - True, my miss - but all the same to me! I think waiting is wise. Very good now. Special later.
6/1/15, 11:01 AM - I've been loving these wines lately, and am very surprised they're so under the radar. Do you really think these can age for over a decade?
6/2/15, 10:15 AM - Hahaha - you too. Never tried their zins, but I know they're better known (if at all!) for those, and they're on my list to try. I'm OK keeping these a secret, but have no clue how that's possible given the quality and accessibility. I guess the same could be said for ESJ re: QPR, as well, so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.
5/8/14, 1:24 PM - Thomas: In my experience, the softening of the wine often presents itself as greater palate presence and weight. I've definitely heard people describe aged Burgundy as having "put on weight", but what do I know - I can't afford that stuff. Feel free to disagree!
5/8/14, 1:30 PM - I'm no Chinon expert and have never had the opportunity to taste aged Baudry. My understanding is that good vintages of Baudry can go a very long time, though I don't think 2011 is shaping up to be any great shakes. I have 2 more bottles (stored in not ideal conditions) and won't touch either for a few more years. I don't think they're 20 year wines, though.
Thanks for letting us know about this problem. We will review your comments and be in touch soon with an update.