7/17/24, 6:23 AM - Thanks for the comment Tim! Enjoy the Jersey humidity! :) :) :)
5/8/24, 6:47 PM - That first parenthetical earned you a new fan. The rest was gravy. Cheers!
4/8/24, 2:06 PM - Agreed, it is definitely up there.Thanks for the comment!
4/8/24, 3:13 PM - Montrose is a good call. It would make sense for St Estephe to outperform in 03. Cheers Mark!
4/9/24, 5:54 AM - Thanks for the comment, Decanting Queen! I too am happy to have a few left and maybe will hunt for a few more... :)
2/16/24, 6:22 AM - Minchia!
1/22/24, 5:57 PM - Couldn’t agree more. I simply paste my TNs from the Vinous board here, which is why you might see a head scratcher time to time. ;)
1/12/24, 6:20 AM - Thanks WineGuy! This level of extraction is not my cuppa, but like you I cannot deny the value of these StE wines.
1/9/24, 6:05 PM - Well played.
12/20/23, 10:19 AM - Evocative note. These wines are magical, with this bottling in particular still well-priced.
12/11/23, 7:18 AM - Well, I went rather deep so by necessity I will have the opportunity to re-evaluate over time. Regardless, I remain bearish on this vintage. I hope I'm wrong.
12/6/23, 12:31 PM - Wonderful to read your comment. I like to see bottle consistency like that.
11/12/23, 5:31 PM - I would split the styles in Etna the exact same way you did. Lovely note.
10/19/23, 4:56 PM - Damnit. Pulling mine from offsite. I thought I’d have 15 years easy left on these. Appreciate the heads up.
10/19/23, 5:13 PM - Absolutely I will.
8/3/23, 5:52 AM - Great note, and the laugh was a bonus.
7/29/23, 6:48 PM - Another great note. I haven’t touched my ‘10s yet, so maybe you’ve inspired me to move some of these to the front not the line!
7/26/23, 6:57 AM - Great note. Have been sitting on my '07s. Have you checked in on 06 lately?
7/12/23, 6:44 AM - Very sorry for the loss of your dad.Lovely note.
7/4/23, 5:57 PM - Thanks for the note. I have my settings such that scores without notes are hidden; they are worse than worthless. Perhaps something to consider.
6/19/23, 6:15 PM - Was planning to hold mine for a few years; do you think it’s ready to go, or do you see potential to improve with some cellar time?Thanks for the note!
6/17/23, 5:47 PM - Flawed bottle?
6/17/23, 6:10 PM - Your comment is such an outlier that it seems to raise the possibility; but at the same time, we all have different sensitivities to Brett. Hope that when you taste another bottle you will report back.
6/12/23, 5:19 PM - Lovely note.
6/13/23, 4:00 AM - With my rekindled interest in Bdx, I’d read it intently!!
4/18/23, 11:06 AM - Insightful note. This is a wine worth tasting at maturity before writing it off; if you have a chance to taste a bottle with 15+ years on it, you may well come away with a different conclusion. It's still no Montevertine, but you might come away putting it closer to SGaR (Percarlo, especially) than you do right now.
12/27/21, 10:54 AM - Hi Rich, and thanks for your comment. No, I picked this one up at retail. I will venture to guess that your bottles will show well--it seems to be an indestructible wine. You're going to laugh when you see how tiny the cork is when you pull it. Please post a note when you do open one; I will be interested to see your thoughts. Happy New Year!
3/30/22, 7:34 PM - Ha! Well, cork envy aside, I’m glad you enjoyed the bottle! And happy birthday to your mom!
3/27/23, 5:59 AM - The internet loves a cork shot!
2/4/23, 8:42 PM - No user error, just a bad bottle. Happy drinking!
1/25/23, 8:52 AM - Great to hear. If you owned a few, would you drink or hold?
1/25/23, 9:03 AM - Thank you, Nick!
1/24/23, 7:58 AM - I think the prior comment makes sense. The good advice I got when I started buying the Reserva is that I should age it myself to the point that LdH releases the "Gran Reserva" and save myself a ton of money. That has proven to be valuable advice.Also, $75 seems extremely high for the Reserva. I paid in the $30s for the 2005, and it looks like current vintages (e.g., 2011) are in the $40s. Maybe your perspective would be different at that price.In any event, wishing you good bottles!
1/16/23, 6:23 AM - Thanks for taking one for the team. Appreciate this early look.
12/21/22, 6:13 PM - Agree. AG missed the boat on this one.
10/10/22, 9:32 AM - The tasting note is lovely, but more importantly, congratulations! And buckle up...you're in for a ride... :)
10/10/22, 7:05 AM - It's not going to fall off a cliff anytime soon, but at the same time I don't think it is going to get any better. If I had more (but I don't), I would be drinking them.
8/17/22, 12:55 PM - Criticizing the size of other's cellars? Wine collecting has a bad enough reputation as snobby; comments like yours don't help.
8/16/22, 3:44 PM - It’s OK to just not like a wine; don’t let the comments get to you, or just adjust your permissions. Happy drinking!
8/9/22, 7:55 AM - By flat, do you mean there were no bubbles? Or was that meant to capture your impression of the flavor?
8/9/22, 8:57 AM - I'm sorry that you were disappointed! Honestly, the assessment suggests the bottle might have been off. In any event, if you get an opportunity to try another bottle of Ultramarine, please do post your impressions.
8/9/22, 12:47 PM - Oh snap!
8/9/22, 8:55 AM - Yes, these wines do age well; I've been collecting the Fontodi wines for some time now. But my experience here seems inconsistent with those of a number of experienced tasters with whom I shared notes, and that's why I am open to the possibility that my bottle isn't representative. I hope your bottles shine.
6/13/22, 10:25 AM - Obviously I cannot speak to the particular bottle you had, but these bottles have been counterfeited. For example:https://vino-joy.com/2021/06/30/moet-hennessy-lures-out-fake-dom-perignon-fraudster-in-china/ Of course, it could just have been an off bottle.
5/13/22, 10:27 AM - Thanks, Rob. Even worse than that, sharing the SAME BOTTLE some sharp palates (including Eric Guido's) thought the wine deeply underperformed, but some others at the table gave it near 100pts. A mystery.
4/12/22, 6:44 AM - Sometimes a legendary bottle lives up to expectations... :) Glad you had a nice anniversary dinner, and many happy returns!
3/19/22, 6:25 PM - Wonder if your bottle was sound? My experience with this wine across many vintages is that it has 30 years of life, easy. And in 2010? Your comment about the wine being light bodied contributes to my suspicion—Rancia isn’t light bodied. Wishing you well with your remaining bottles.
3/9/22, 12:38 PM - Thanks for the note. I was concerned by the report on the Vinous board, and hoped an off bottle was tasted.
3/9/22, 12:44 PM - Great, thanks for that additional context. Will keep an eye out for offers on the single vineyard wines; I expect the "Conterno" pricing is really starting to take effect. At least the wines are great, though.
2/19/22, 8:00 PM - Lovely note, thank you!So the sixty four thousand dollar question is, with allocations being two bottles, should I open one now?
2/21/22, 6:07 AM - Thanks for the reply. I'll hold for another year or two before digging in; I hope my experience matches yours.....
2/18/22, 7:50 AM - Thanks for your comment. I would characterize the palate as a bit "weird"--sort of like heat damage, but not quite. We'll see what the other bottles hold, as it were.
2/16/22, 12:32 PM - Well, that's right to the point! :)
2/9/22, 5:38 AM - Hello neighbor! Thanks for the comment. A few thoughts:1. In terms of actually getting your hands on bottles, establishing relationships with good retailers is key. A lot of shops have a newsletter they send everyone, but share their crown jewels only with their best customers. So if you are spreading your spend over lots of retailers, you probably aren't getting access to the best wines. 2. In terms of amassing aged wines, there's no shortcut (without taking the risk of someone else's storage conditions, of course). Focus on the wines you really love and know are age-worthy; unless you have literally unlimited resources, focus is key. And you have to buy a good quantity of those bottles (say, no less than 4 bottles) and then follow them along their maturation. Drink one young to get a feel, hold the next for 2 years, the next for 3 more, etc. One of the things I do to help enforce that discipline is to store a lot of wine offsite, and keep only "ready to drink" bottles in my home cellar. It's sort of like a wine piggy bank. :)Best wishes to you.
2/9/22, 7:02 AM - Sure, sounds fun! My email is my name at gmail.com.
1/31/22, 7:57 AM - $115 per my invoice. Thanks for reading.
1/22/22, 8:59 AM - PnP, and enjoyed over a long meal. Enjoy!
1/12/22, 6:30 PM - Great to hear, and thanks for the note.
1/8/22, 1:06 PM - Barbera? Seven years?
12/10/21, 5:29 PM - Very interesting note, as I’ve had the 97 a few times and never came across a bottle as good as the one you had. But 06 amazes with its potential, imho. Great tasting!
12/5/21, 5:02 PM - Gutsy to open this one, but wise to decant. I tried this near release and it showed more fruit than you describe; it is likely shut down for the next 10 years+. Thanks for the note!
3/21/20, 2:08 PM - This producer is unbelievable. Is there a better QPR?
11/10/21, 4:56 PM - Try the ‘16 if you haven’t. Not a perfect wine, but beautiful nonetheless.
10/29/21, 12:57 PM - Hi, and thank you for the comment. My best guess is that it will be at its best now and until 2028 or so. It doesn't strike me as a long ager. Then again, I've had some 15 year old bottles of Pian Del Ciampolo that floored me. Sangiovese can surprise you....
Thanks for letting us know about this problem. We will review your comments and be in touch soon with an update.