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Saturday, June 6, 2020 - Made from Pedro Ximenez grapes dried in the sun, this Pedro Ximenez uses the Sherry Solera system, which is essentially a system of filling what is taken and bottled from the oldest grape material with the next vintage. Therefore, this PX has material from 1927 and is mixed with many other vintages after it.

There’s a whiff of alcohol at first which blows away. You get prune and raisin notes along with wood notes and caramel. On the palate, despite the alcohol, it is super smooth and syrupy with the same raisin and prune notes, a bit of spice and surprisingly a nice streak of acidity. It's amazing that something that has material so old in it with such sweet dried fruit has so much freshness to it. Although it is relatively syrupy, it’s not heavy. It glides over your tongue effortlessly. Had with gourmet vanilla and chocolate ice cream. Tastes a lot like a fruitcake. Could imagine having this with panettone, fruit cake or what they have here in Chile for Christmas, Pan de Pascua.

I don’t think I can give this a score since I’ve never had sweet Pedro Ximenez before and have nothing to compare it to. Despite the age and quality of the material in this, it only costs $28 for a half bottle. The other thing good about these sweet PX is that they can last for many months after they’re opened if sealed and stored in a cool place.

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