2015 District 7 Pinot Noir

Community Tasting Note

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85 Points

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - The nose on it is round, fruity, and inviting... just like you'd expect for a Pino Noir.
The coloring is a bit thinner than I would expect. I expected it to be more opaque.
The flavor is not very complex up front... very simple to comprehend. The back end becomes more complex with hints of pepper, spice, and a tad acrid.
Overall, an easy wine to drink. It is decidedly "meh". It is not outstanding, but it also definitely isn't bad. It would go well with a spicy red pasta dish, as those flavors would balance some of the sharper edges on the back end. Drink this one with friends for the sake of enjoying time with friends as opposed to drinking it to marvel at the wine.
Edit: 20 minutes later - If the color beige could be a pino noir, this would be that. It has become entirely forgettable.

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