
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - Wine Guild of Charlottesville Epic Burgundy Tasting (Charlottesville, VA): OK, so this was my favorite of the evening but how could it not be? We were glad to have the new Veritas Vineyards sommelier there last night (thanks Thomas!) whose knowledge of many of the vineyards explored during this evening was quite helpful and who explained to me the significance of the Hospice de Beaune labeling on the bottle. In short it is the wines submitted to the famous Hospice de Beaune auction every year that set the price for the wines in the given vintage, thus it behooves each producer to submit their best. This was a fantastic Corton! The nose was that of an aged Burgundy: Anise, even licorice, purple and black fruits, soy and yes a dose of that funk and earth that some call barnyard and others the very soul and being of the harmony of earth and wine. An inner sap from a medium weight and finish. I believe that this wine will improve for the next 5 years but it is certainly one to approach even now, A perfect "great bottle" for Thanksgiving and the holidays!

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