Take this note for just one data point. But, this was consumed later in the evening, and came across as a bit candied. Not hot, but short and sweet. Pretty sure this wont get any better, so drink up if you have one.
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This wine was always a heady, fruit-exorbitant, CA Grenache that tilted towards the hot end of the spectrum, but its heavy (some would say syrupy) blue fruit flavors made for a popular drink. A decade later and I can't say this has really lost a beat on that description. It's less oxidized and dried out than many CdP peers in France. All the sweet fruit and back-end heat remains. Some acidity. No apparent tannin. Very sweet and fairly easy to drink or fall drunk in the process. The sweetness verges on candy and confection.
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12/5/2021 - Cow Town wrote:
Take this note for just one data point. But, this was consumed later in the evening, and came across as a bit candied. Not hot, but short and sweet. Pretty sure this wont get any better, so drink up if you have one.
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12/9/2020 - clutj Likes this wine: 92 Points
Very good
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9/11/2019 - z_willus_d wrote: 88 Points
This wine was always a heady, fruit-exorbitant, CA Grenache that tilted towards the hot end of the spectrum, but its heavy (some would say syrupy) blue fruit flavors made for a popular drink. A decade later and I can't say this has really lost a beat on that description. It's less oxidized and dried out than many CdP peers in France. All the sweet fruit and back-end heat remains. Some acidity. No apparent tannin. Very sweet and fairly easy to drink or fall drunk in the process. The sweetness verges on candy and confection.
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10/26/2018 - ersmith Likes this wine: 91 Points
A little less fruit, a little more tobacco. Still an excellent wine.
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11/20/2016 - NoWineWiz Likes this wine: 91 Points
NOAHBW says it all, enjoyable bottle!
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