Community Tasting Notes (1)

  • A '60's theme for a birthday boy. (Apiary.): We let this wine slide because, well, it's a '71 Grunhauser. From a low-fill bottle and pretty dark in color, this was a slightly controversial wine. Four out of the seven us thought it was a fairly dead bottle, but the three necrophiliacs to my right disagreed and seemed to find just wrongful pleasure here. If it ain't fully dead, it's pretty close. It's very autumnal, with rotting leaves, some dried fruit and brown sugar. It's still has acidity, but more so on the finish. Across the palate I find the wine lifeless, though it has retained some sweetness. I think even Jay Miller started to agree with the rest of us after a while. C-/D+, though maybe not so fair due to the low fill.

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