Grosser Ring Versteigerung 2017

Tasted Friday, September 15, 2017 by dvansteenderen with 307 views


The fourth year of me visiting the Grosser Ring Versteigerung. This year the 2016's will be auctioned, how do they hold up after the great 2015 vintage? Let's find out...

Flight 1 - Joh. Jos. Prüm (4 Notes)

Flight 2 - Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch (Erben-Thanisch) (1 Note)

Flight 3 - Willi Schaefer (2 Notes)

Flight 4 - Dr. Loosen (2 Notes)

Flight 5 - St. Urbans-Hof (1 Note)

Flight 6 - Reinhold Haart (1 Note)

Flight 7 - Fritz Haag (3 Notes)

Flight 8 - Schloss Lieser (2 Notes)

Flight 9 - Von Schubert (2 Notes)

Flight 10 - Karthäuserhof (1 Note)

Flight 11 - Peter Lauer (3 Notes)

Flight 12 - von Othegraven (2 Notes)

Flight 13 - Egon Müller (2 Notes)

Flight 14 - Zilliken (2 Notes)

Flight 15 - St. Urbans-Hof (1 Note)


Another great day with some mind blowing wines...On to next year!
