Does not like this wine:

75 Points

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - This has a really hyper-potent nose, and I can't say that I'm super excited about. It's definitely really rich in pyrazines, giving it a green, vegetal edge. It reminds me a lot of "white flower balm" - which, If you're not familiar, Is an analgesic balm based on camphor. Similarly it reminds me of Carmex lip balm. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, let's just call it menthol.

Digging past that to look for a little fruit, And I'm not finding much. I guess I could say I get a little bit of apple but it's more of a bruised / oxidized apple.

Taking a drink doesn't make this much more fun. At first I get hit with a little bit of pear fruit up front which at first made me think well, at least drinking this will be better than smelling it, but then very quickly on the mid palate and especially on the finish, all that camphor comes back along with a pretty intense yeastiness. And I don't mean a toasty "blanc de noir" kind of leesy yeastiness - More like raw bread dough.

This all leads to a bracing acid that really grips at the end in a sort of disjointed way. Ultimately the wine comes off very awkward, and lacks a core enjoyability factor. It's not a bad wine. It's not a poorly made wine - I don't think. I just don't know if this grape lends itself well to a white pressing.

I could see certain sommeliers perhaps finding a way to work with this wine. It would be interesting to see what kind of food pairing would really help it. But I think it might be beyond help. For me, it's a pass.

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