
85 Points

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Somewhat developed, translucent cherry color with a noticeable, nutty maroon hue. Developed and quite much aged nose with aromas of dusty earth, some raisiny fruit, a little bit of pungent, aldehydic oxidation and hints of cellar that wax and wane. There are constant suspicions whether the wine is corked or not and we never come to any conclusion - the wine at times seems quite representative of the style and at times muted and mouldy, as if hit by a case of TCA. Go figure. The wine is medium-bodied and lively, yet still somewhat oxidized on the palate with mature flavors of sweet dried fruits, sour cherries, raisin, some earthiness, light bitterness, a little bit of aldehydic salinity, a hint of smoke and a touch of strawberry. The wine is moderately high in acidity with very mellow tannins. The finish is smoky, wizened and a bit oxidized with long and complex flavors of salt-cured beef, earth, some pungent acetaldehyde, a little bit of raw cocoa and a hint of raisin.

A good but definitely over-aged Ygay Gran Reserva. I'm not sure whether this was representative of the wine or if the cork had only leaked. Whatever the case, the wine was thoroughly enjoyable, but it was also very obvious that the wine was far beyond its peak and going downhill. Most likely the wine had been very nice some years ago, but now only a withering skeleton of a wine remained. I rate the wine because it was still drinkable and even enjoyable - at least to some extent - but one should also remember, that this score most probably isn't representative of the wine at its best.

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