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It looks like you're searching for the 1998 vintage, but that isn't yet in our database. To add it, click the New Vintage link beneath the correct wine. If you don't find the correct wine, click Create a New Wine below a similar wine, and edit the fields as appropriate. Not sure what to do? Contact us!

wine type Name, Type, Locale Year

Caol Ila 13 Year Old Chieftain's Limited Edition Collection (b.2010) Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 43%

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Spirits, United Kingdom, Scotland, Islay

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Caol Ila 17 Year Old Chieftain's Limited Edition Collection (b.2008) Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 43%

Spirits, United Kingdom, Scotland, Islay

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Caol Ila 30 Year Old Limited Edition (2014 release) Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 55.1%

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Spirits, United Kingdom, Scotland, Islay

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Caol Ila Distillery Limited Edition (bottled 2007) Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 58.4%

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Spirits, United Kingdom, Scotland, Islay

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