Q4 2021 Wine Club: The Return with Aged Rhone

Our apt
Tasted Saturday, December 11, 2021 by MC2 Wines with 176 views


Back although quite a bit smaller than normal (typical guest list is closer to 30 with a max of 20 participants - this time we kept it to 10). Have to make some concessions for COVID. Great though to have something that was a bit ‘normal’ feeling. Ideal cheese again outdid themselves with the selections and truffle meatballs were back and of course some great wine.

Same penny voting system as always - 5 pennies per person which can be be voted as five in one wine or one in five wines or anything in between. All wines served single blind for those you brought and double blind for the others.

Flight 1 - Starter bottle (1 Note)

Flight 2 - The tasting (12 Notes)

Flight 3 - Bonus bottles (2 Notes)


A bit more bad luck than we normally have with bottles but so it goes. My favorite was maybe the Bonneau although the Hommage was indeed wonderful and has a special place as the wine that got us into Rhône in the first place. Generally though all were very tasty (except the corked bottles) and so a successful time back.
