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  • By Jon Rimmerman
    7/23/2009, (See more on Garagiste...)

    (MOUCHAO Tinto) Mouchao Dear Friends, Ok, this would normally require a mini-dissertation but I'm sure many of you are still recovering from the length of today's Alsace offer so I will ask you to do a bit of research on your own - we only have a small amount of this to offer as it is. In a nutshell, Herdade do Mouchao (aka Mouchao) is Portugal's closest answer to Vega Sicilia or Wendouree with a story that deserves headline space (including a coup d'Ätat style takeover of the winery during the Portuguese revolution of 1974). The winery remains basically unknown in the US but something this strong and ageworthy will not go unnoticed for long (see early 1960's vintages of Mouchao that are still stunning). It is a bastion of dry wine tradition with ancient rock/ fermenting vats and little if any designs on early appeal after bottling (in a similar fashion to Unico). If Parker gave Mouchao the same level of inspection as Vega Sicilia every year, I am convinced we would be talking about a wine that would command $100 or more on release (for the right reasons, not because of its quotient of vanilla cream masquerading as wine). Like yesterday's Stella di Campalto Brunello, this wine has character and nobility above and beyond the norm. It is also idiosyncratic and unique in the same way as the Stella. It would be interesting to put the 1962 or 1963 Mouchao up against vaunted vintages of Unico from the same year to see which is preferred by the majority (1962 Mouchao vs. 1962 Unico?). I would go even further with this and put early 1960's vintages of Mouchao up against some of the top 1961 Bordeaux. The fact that I'm even mentioning this lets you know how I feel. For more information on Mouchao, please see this succinct background article by Jamie Goode: - it includes mention of their forward thinking use of figs that has been studied by wineries around the world. I know you will ask so...I'm sure this wine received at least 95pts from one of the US pundits (Wine & Spirits maybe?) - I don't have my laptop to perform due diligence on this so someone out there will have to investigate (not that points matter for this wine). I'm not even sure the Wine Advocate has reviewed Mouchao but one of you can look and maybe post the info on the Forum board (up to the copyright limit). VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for rarity and world-class breed. ONE SHIPMENT ONLY at this EXTREMELY LIMITED price: 2002 Herdade do Mouchao (Tinto/Alentejo) (If we run out, there are a few cases floating around the Seattle area at approximately the same price as us or possibly a bit more - even if you do not purchase this from us, I urge you to do so from whatever source you find as long as the provenance is sound - this winery deserves our attention). The Mouchao is on the way (although hands off for another 6-10 years or even a few decades). Thank you, Jon Rimmerman Garagiste Seattle, WA Port6700

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