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  • By Jon Rimmerman
    8/31/2007, (See more on Garagiste...)

    (Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines”) Vertical Dear Friends, Nothing like one sentence to set off a spark that ignites the masses. As a Labor Day send-off, this is about as good as we can do (I hope most of you get this offer before you leave for the weekend). We sent out the 2004 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” a few days ago after the exuberant David S comments in the Wine Advocate, but, like most collectors, you had to have more. It seemed like every other request for the 2004 made reference to “if you can get any of that 1994, let me know” - well how about a six vintage vertical (including the 1994) to prove just how grand this estate is - one of the very top in the entire Loire. The following offer is a bizarrely good deal. So much so that I’m a bit nervous because we don’t have that many vertical sets but we send every offer out without playing favorites, so here goes. I guess I could have raised the price to deter some of you but that’s not how we operate. The winery has been blind-sided with attention in the last few days (much to their dismay, they’re still trying to figure out what’s going on) and due to our prior support, we have first rights to this old-stock - at original release price (I’m not kidding). You get one bottle each from “good” vintages, not “vintage of the century” vintages - the 1995 and 1996 are twice this cost from the winery unless you can find them at retail and they are not twice as good - not even close (so I left them out). I have to pay cellar door retail for these as “no deals” on older stock so this offer is basically a pass-through to you. David S mentioned the 1994 but it is only a moderate vintage in this group - all have evolved beautifully and would be HIGHLY RECOMMENDED on their own. You can refer to his comments above and pretty much use them with various complexities and nuances added for each vintage. Vintage charts are worthless here. I don’t have to tell you that this price for winery library stock of this age is about as impossible to find as a gold nugget in your morning cereal box. This wine has never moved since release so it is a case study in the true ageing ability of Savennieres: Domaine aux Moines Vertical 6-pack 1992 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” 1993 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” 1994 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” 1998 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” 1999 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” 2000 Domaine aux Moines Savennieres “Roche aux Moines” (this is not Chamboureau - it is actual stock from Domaine aux Moines/Laroche) ONE SHIPMENT ONLY directly from the winery cellar with perfect, crystalline provenance Thank you, Jon Rimmerman Garagiste Seattle, WA Loire9897

NOTE: Some content is property of Winedoctor and Garagiste.

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